Making the difference
through people

Managing Organisational Change

MD Management Development helps organisations to change and develop; improving overall performance through more effective ways of working.

Organisational structure and restructure

We design programmes that support organisational transformation and growth and underpin a more 'joined-up' approach to delivering organisational goals.

Examples include:

UK and international organisation restructure programmes: organisation design; implementation of new structure (including staff redeployment and redundancies); introduction or more effective ways of working to deliver higher performance.

Visioning and values clarification processes: programmes to help articulate and embed organisational culture.

The human side of change

We provide support for chief executives and senior teams to ensure that the human side of change is adequately taken into account and catered for during change programmes. This includes:

People centred change management design: ensuring the human dimension is factored into change programme design from the very beginning of the process.

Remotivating individuals and teams after major change: using the powerful Solutions Focus technique we help people become enthused about the future by acknowledging the personal impact of recent events, drawing a line under the past, and identifying practical ways to move on and to return quickly to optimal performance.

Career development support: for individuals and groups facing redundancy and/or major change.

Working more effectively

We help teams work more effectively by connecting what needs to be done (i.e. the tasks, structure and process or work) with the relationships and ways of working that are critical for success. Examples include:

Virtual and distance management: via a collaborative project to design and deliver workshops to the International NGO sector in support of more effective distance teams and leadership internationally. These workshops and accompanying materials are also available as a series of three teleseminars.(link to People in Aid Successful Distance Management case study)

Competencies frameworks: that outline the behaviours which people are required to display in order to make their organisation successful. These help individuals and their managers to focus on how work can be carried out more effectively as well as what actually needs to be done.

Mobility frameworks: to support staff mobility policy, career development and more flexible working geographically.